Armadale parishioner Dr Andrew Smith “Gives Back” after seeing a need.

Hammond Park Chiropractor, Dr Andrew Smith, has seen a need and done something about it.
The Armadale parishioner thought of an innovative and generous way to raise funds in support of the “2023 Archbishop’s Christmas Appeal for LifeLink”.
Through his business, Ascension Chiropractic based in Hammond Park, Dr Smith and his team hosted a “Giving Back Day” on Friday 15 and Saturday 16 December 2023 – with all funds received to be donated to LifeLink.
Patients were also offered the option to donate directly to LifeLink on the day if they preferred.
The 36-year-old married father-of-two said he had heard the Archbishop’s message during the LifeLink Christmas Appeal launch in November – particularly the words of St Mary MacKillop, “Never see a need without doing something about it,” and could foresee a good reason to ‘pay it forward’.
“In my line of work, I deal daily with people who are experiencing a lot of stress,” Dr Smith said.
“Christmas is a stressful time for those gainfully employed, let alone those forgotten by society,” he continued.
The “Giving Back Day” saw more than 57 patient funds being donated, a total of some $2,700.
Dr Smith explained that while he ignored all business coaching advice to conduct the two-day event, he knew it was the right thing to do.
“It was an opportunity for us to bear witness, and our subtle way to evangelise,” Dr Smith highlighted.
“We are just extremely happy to support a worthy cause,” he said.
We are so grateful to Dr Andrew, his team at Ascension Chiropractic, and the many patients who generously gave to support the Archbishop’s annual appeal. Together, you have helped make a difference in the lives of those who reach out to our LifeLink agencies for help.
Thank you!