The Shopfront
Director: Damian Walsh
TELEPHONE: 08 9371 9109
FACSIMILE: 08 9371 5139
Address: 59 John Street, Bentley WA 6102
The Shopfront began in Maylands as the Church’s response to a growing number of people in Perth who came seeking its assistance. In the early years the Centre operated as a simple place of hospitality and sharing. However, gradually people came with other needs related to homelessness, health issues and lack of food or finance.
Thankfully, as The Shopfront reached out to help more people in need, more generous volunteers and donors came forward sharing their time, talents and resources. The Shopfront is the front line for welfare within the community and offers help and assistance to people who may be experiencing difficulty in their lives, for example: accommodation, budgeting, addiction, violence, loneliness, etc.
The Shopfront is run predominately by volunteers, who offer assistance in a friendly, non-bureaucratic manner and network with other agencies to obtain the appropriate assistance.
Although thousands of visitors came to The Shopfront in 2014, a really important aspect of the agency is the development of relationships with people who are regular visitors. There are people in the Maylands area who are socially isolated and the friendship that they experience at The Shopfront is so important to their well-being.