Good Shepherd School, Kelmscott, celebrates LifeLink Day with Pyjama Day!

Good Shepherd School, Kelmscott, celebrates LifeLink Day with Pyjama Day!

The LifeLink office was delighted to receive an email from Mrs Diana Newman, Assistant Principal, Good Shepherd Catholic Primary School, who shared with us these wonderful photos of students celebrating LifeLink Day.

Mrs Newman said, “Our special fundraising event for LifeLink Day was a fun one this year. In return for wearing their PJ’s to school, the children donated a gold coin to LifeLink.

At the School Assembly our Liturgy Team made a presentation of the Archbishop’s Acknowledgment Plaque, which Bishop Sproxton had presented to all Archdiocesan schools at the Primary Schools Launch in June.

Our students also enjoyed the special “paper people project” for primary schools this year.

I have attached some photos of our students creative works highlighting the research they conducted into LifeLink agencies, and their messages of hope, love and support for people in need in the community.”

Thanks so much Mrs Newman; we loved the photos and are so grateful to you and everyone at Good Shepherd Catholic Primary School for your wonderful support of LifeLink Day, and the work of our LifeLink social service agencies.

Together, we can and DO make a difference!

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