Welcome to LifeLink
The original “Welcome to LifeLink” video was actually produced immediately after the Archbishop’s Installation, and for many years had proven to be an effective and well-received resource for LifeLink and the Archdiocese. However, as with all such resources, there was a shelf life.
The Archbishop felt what LifeLink needed today was a visually appealing, contemporary resource which better promoted the work of our LifeLink agencies and engaged with young people in particular. In 2019, LifeLink discussed with Catholic Education WA (CEWA) the idea of inviting selected Archdiocesan schools to establish a special advisory group to work with the Archbishop on this project, which CEWA enthusiastically supported.
Four (4) schools were invited to participate in this exciting project – Iona Presentation College, Holy Cross College, Servite College and Newman College. Each school nominated four (4) students and one (1) teacher.
As a group, the young people were tasked with developing the overall concept for the video and working in partnership with and under the direction of the Archdiocese’s Marketing Manager. The students would be actively part of the concept development, script preparation, filming, music selection, and final editing.
A script was produced and approved by the end of 2019 and some of the filming had been completed when unfortunately everything came to a complete stop as the COVID 19 crisis developed. Due to social distancing restrictions and regulations, and more urgent priorities, production was suspended.
Finally, in September 2020, the pathway was clear for production to re-commence. Filming was and the video’s post-production was completed. The first release of the new resource was for guests attending the Archbishop’s Liturgical Launch of his Christmas Appeal.
We are delighted to now provide this new video for your enjoyment here on our website. We hope you discover and learn more about the work of our wonderful social service agencies, and how they respond to people in need within the community…on behalf of us all.
We wish to express our heartfelt thanks to all the amazing students and teachers for their unwavering enthusiasm and support in helping to make this video available for LifeLink.