Welcome to my ‘2023 LifeLink Day for Catholic Schools’ initiative.
With COVID19 restrictions thankfully behind us, Bishop Sproxton and I are excited that we will once again have the opportunity of welcoming representatives from our Archdiocesan Schools to the Primary Schools Launch and the Secondary Schools Forum.
Let me firstly acknowledge the wonderful effort so many schools (teachers and students) made to participate in the webcast launches last year, and the outstanding support schools demonstrated to undertake some form of fundraising in support of LifeLink Day.
I am delighted to announce that our Archdiocesan schools raised $100,184.00.
Congratulations and thank you to all who gave so generously.
So now we look forward to LifeLink Day 2023 which will be launched on Wednesday 7 June 2023.
A reminder that whilst the annual launch date of LifeLink Day is the first Wednesday in June each year, schools may choose to participate in the LifeLink Day programme and conduct special fundraising events at any time during the school year.
LifeLink Day provides a wonderful opportunity for students attending Catholic schools within the Archdiocese of Perth to join together to show their support for the Church’s social service agencies – agencies which on behalf of us all, reach out to provide practical care and direct assistance to thousands of people in need each year.
Many thousands of Western Australian families and individuals each year depend on our LifeLink agencies being there for them at their time of need.

On LifeLink Day, I am asking YOU and everyone at YOUR SCHOOL to help continue a ‘mission of care’ to our brothers and sisters who reach out to us for help.
Please, choose to be there for them in their time of need.
Our fundraising goal for this year is to raise a minimum of $130,000.
I wish you all every success and hope you enjoy participating in LifeLink Day 2023.
Thank you for ‘walking in the footsteps of the Good Shepherd’ and reaching out with love to our brothers and sisters in need.
Yours in Christ,
Most Rev Timothy Costelloe SDB
Catholic Archbishop of Perth

We invite your feedback
We invite you to let us know what you think about our new website.
Send your email to: websitefeedback@perthcatholic.org.au

2023 Special Project
For LifeLink Day 2023, Archbishop Tim and Bishop Don have invited Archdiocesan primary school students to participate in a special project, one which encourages them to learn more about the wonderful work of our LifeLink agencies and engages their creative talents.
Students are asked to make a gold coin donation in support of LifeLink Day 2023 or to participate in some form of special fundraising event which we hope each school to host.

Archbishop’s Official Launch
Representatives from every primary schools have been warmly invited to join the Archbishop, Bishop and Dr Debra Sayce for The Archbishop’s Official Launch of LifeLink Day for Primary Schools 2023 which will be held on:
Date: Wednesday 7 June 2023
Time: Commencing at 10.00am
Location: Newman College Auditorium, Empire Avenue, Churchlands