Welcome to my ‘2024 LifeLink Day for Catholic Schools’ initiative.
Bishop Sproxton and I are once again looking forward to welcoming representatives from our Archdiocesan Schools to the Secondary Schools Forum and the Primary Schools Official Launch event, for the celebration of the 25th Anniversary of LifeLink Day.
The first ever LifeLink Day for Catholic Schools Initiative was held in 1999 – a joint initiative between The Catholic Archdiocese of Perth (LifeLink) and Catholic Education WA (CEWA).
LifeLink Day is, and shall remain, both an educational and fundraising initiative. Through LifeLink Day, young people attending Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Perth are encouraged to learn more about the very real ‘need’ which exists in the community, and how our Church agencies, through LifeLink, respond to this need.
Schools and students are actively encouraged to demonstrate their support and compassion for our brothers and sisters in need by undertaking or participating in special fundraising events.
Remember, at the heart
of Catholic education, is Catholic Faith.
I am delighted to advise that our Archdiocesan Catholic Schools have donated just over $3 million to the social services of the Church as a direct result of LifeLink Day.
Most importantly, we have inspired a generation of young people to recognise that when we reach out with love to our brothers and sisters in need, we are expressing our faith in action, and truly seeing reflected the face of Jesus.
There is much to celebrate this LifeLink Day.

I wish to sincerely thank and acknowledge the enduring and valued support of Catholic Education WA (CEWA), our Archdiocesan School Principals and teaching staff who have helped build the culture of LifeLink Day through their genuine and enthusiastic support. Perhaps most importantly, a HUGE thank you to all the students who have participated in special projects and activities, taken the time to discover and learn out the work of the Church’s social service agencies, and generously donated a gold coin each and every year to help someone in need.
It is truly remarkable that you have raised $3 million over the past 25 years. I congratulate you all. Thank you.
Let’s continue to work together to help make a difference in people’s lives.
Let me firstly acknowledge the tremendous support schools, teachers and students made to participate in my launch events last year, and the outstanding support schools demonstrated to undertake some form of fundraising for LifeLink Day.
I am delighted to announce that our Archdiocesan schools raised $108,799.00.
Congratulations and thank you to all who gave so generously.
So now we look forward to LifeLink Day 2024 which will be launched on Wednesday 5 June 2024.
A reminder that whilst the annual launch date of LifeLink Day is the first Wednesday in June each year, schools may choose to participate in the LifeLink Day programme and conduct special fundraising events at any time during the school year.
LifeLink Day provides a wonderful opportunity for students attending Catholic schools within the Archdiocese of Perth to join together to show their support for the Church’s social service agencies – agencies which on behalf of us all, reach out to provide practical care and direct assistance to thousands of people in need each year.
Many thousands of Western Australian families and individuals each year depend on our LifeLink agencies being there for them at their time of need.

On LifeLink Day, I am asking YOU and everyone at YOUR SCHOOL to help continue a ‘mission of care’ to our brothers and sisters who reach out to us for help.
Please, choose to be there for them in their time of need. Our fundraising goal for this year is to raise a minimum of $120,000.
I wish you all every success and hope you enjoy participating in LifeLink Day 2024.
Yours in Christ,
Most Rev Timothy Costelloe SDB
Catholic Archbishop of Perth

Archbishop’s 2024 Forum
The 2024 Archbishop’s Forum for Secondary Schools in support of LifeLink Day will provide an opportunity for interactive engagement with students, whilst facilitating interschool relationship building and teamwork amongst students and schools.
The theme for this year’s Forum is:
The Disciples of Jesus called to the mission of divine hospitality.
(Disciples of Christ’s peace through whom God wishes to extend the hand of friendship, of welcome, of compassion and of love)
Archbishop Costelloe SDB, Bishop Sproxton, Mr Wayne Bull and Dr Debra Sayce (The Panel) will deliver initial presentations which will lead to three (3) key questions that will be posed to the groups of students.
These key questions are as follows:
Q1. Do YOU think we are collectively responsible for caring for people in need here in this Archdiocese? Why?
- – Is it the responsibility of Government?
- – Is it the responsibility of Church?
- – Is it the responsibility of charities?
Q2. If the Church was to start a brand-new social service agency under LifeLink, whom would it help, and why?
- – Discuss whom the agency would help.
- – Detail what help it would provide.
- – Define why this is important and what difference it will make in the community.
Q3. What would encourage you and your fellow students to actually volunteer, donate to or work at a Church social service agency?
- – Be as descriptive as possible and provide details of how this could be achieved.
Students will discuss the Archbishop’s Forum Questions, and respond by uploading information through their laptops, which will be displayed for everyone attending the Forum to view.
“The Panel” will then respond to the feedback, ideas, and suggestions which students provide.
We know from previous Forum events that the students really appreciate the open question time, where they can ask any question of the Bishops – personal, faith, political, whatever. So, we will make sure to allow more appropriate time for this during the 2024 Forum format.
The Archbishop has warmly invited secondary schools to nominate eight (8) representatives – one (1) student representative from each year 7 – 12 together with the school’s Principal and REC or their nominated representatives, to attend this year’s Forum.
The date and location for “The Archbishop’s 2024 Forum for LifeLink Day” will be:
Date: Thursday 16 May 2024
Time: Commencing at 9.30am (concludes at 12.30pm)
Location: Aranmore Catholic College Gymnasium, 41 Franklin Street, Leederville
We hope all secondary schools will plan to undertake some form of special fundraising activity during the school year to help raise funds in support of our LifeLink agencies.
A video of the Forum will be provided here on the LifeLink website as soon as possible after the event.