John XX111 College Celebrates Primary House Day
in support of 2023 LifeLink Day
This is exactly the type of good news we love to share with all our schools, and visitors to our LifeLink website.
On Friday, 5 May 2023, John XXIII College once again celebrated its Primary House Day.
This involved students participating in activities to learn about the House Founders of John XXIII College, and to commemorate the House to which they will belong throughout their time at the College. On the day, students proudly wore their House shirt and sport shorts.
As part of the celebrations, Year Six Leaders held a ‘Monster Cake Stall’ to raise funds for the Archbishop’s 2023 LifeLink Day. Year 1-6 students were invited to bring along a gold coin/s to buy special treats for morning tea whilst raising funds for people in need in the community.
Ms Antoinette De Pinto, Head of Primary, John XXIII College said: “Primary House Day is always a special day at the College and the students and staff celebrated in fine style!
The celebrations began with a lovely Mass, followed by a range of fun activities. It was great to see all the House colour, spirit and energy that went into the Monster Cake Stall organised by the Year 6 students. The students prepared many delicious treats to raise money for LifeLink Day.
Everyone had a fun-filled day and the students enjoyed raising funds to support the wonderful work of the LifeLink agencies,” she said.

Congratulations Ms De Pinto, the Year Six Student Leaders and everyone at John XXIII College for such an innovative, fun and successful fundraising initiative in support of the
Archbishop’s LifeLink Day.
On behalf of Archbishop Tim and Bishop Don, we extend our sincere thanks to you all for your enduring and generous support of LifeLink, and LifeLink Day.
Editor’s Note: Photos generously supplied by John XXIII College.