Tuesday 27 April 2021
Archbishop Launches Annual Winter Appeal
Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB launched his annual Winter Appeal for LifeLink, urging supporters to “follow the example of Jesus and extend our arms to embrace people in need here in Western Australian.”
In his appeal letter this year, His Grace writes “For more than a year we have faced and endured the significant impacts of the pandemic. It has certainly been a rollercoaster – and continues to be.
There has been loss, fear, isolation and perhaps at times a sense of hopelessness resulting from a restriction of freedoms, financial hardships, separation from families and loved ones, and anxiety born from uncertainty.
Media reports suggest further job losses and business failures from the cessation of the Government’s Jobkeeper funding. We hear stories of the homelessness crisis, a growing dependence on drugs and alcohol within the community, an increase in mental health issues, and a rise in domestic and general violence.
I believe that one of the positive outcomes over the past year has been the ‘reawakening of consciousness’ by many in the community.
The pandemic led many people to stop and think about what is important in their lives, who is important, and what they personally need for a happy life. We saw neighbours helping neighbours. Strangers reaching out to care for strangers. A move from the care of self to the thoughtfulness for those around us.
When Jesus walked with us here on earth, in everything he did and everything he said, he brought to us God’s message of love. Jesus showed us, by His example, that it is in the action of demonstrating our faith that we will truly see and experience God’s love for us.
When we reach out to help our brothers and sisters in need – the poor, the hungry, the homeless, the isolated and lonely, the abused and abandoned, and the sick – we demonstrate our love for God in a very real and tangible way.
We can all follow the example of Jesus and extend our arms to embrace people in need here in Western Australian through our collective support for the Church’s LifeLink social service agencies.
37,000 Western Australian families and individuals each year depend on our LifeLink agencies being there at their time of need, and our LifeLink agencies depend on YOU being there to help.
Please, give generously to my appeal. I understand many people may be experiencing hardships themselves and it may be a challenge to consider the needs of others, but it is so vitally important that we do so,” said Archbishop Costelloe.
Archbishop Costelloe has called on the Catholic community to join with him to help raise a minimum of $300,000 for people in real need throughout WA.