
Friday 26, April 2024Archbishop Launches Annual Winter AppealArchbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB officially launched his annual Winter Appeal for LifeLink on Monday 29 April 2024, urging donors to “respond positively and generously to the calls of our brothers and sisters in need who reach out to...

Monday 30, October 2023Archbishop Launches Annual Christmas AppealThe Archbishop’s annual launch of his “Christmas Appeal for LifeLink” is scheduled in parishes throughout the Archdiocese of Perth on the weekend of 11/12 November 2023.Pope Francis's seventh “World Day of the Poor” will be launched the week...

Friday 28, April 2023Archbishop Launches Annual Winter AppealOn 1 May, 2023, Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB will launch his annual Winter Appeal for LifeLink, urging supporters to “continue a 'mission of care' to our brothers and sisters in need.”In his appeal letter this year, His Grace...

Archbishop’s Christmas Appeal 2022 Wednesday 2 November 2022 The Archbishop’s annual launch of his “Christmas Appeal for LifeLink” will once again coincide with “World Day of the Poor” which Pope Francis will launch on Sunday, 13 November 2022. The theme of Pope Francis message this year is “Jesus...

Friday 29 April 2022 Archbishop Launches Annual Winter Appeal Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB launched his annual Winter Appeal for LifeLink, urging supporters to “give joyfully to help our brothers and sisters in need.” In his appeal letter this year, His Grace writes “As I prepare this message in...

Archbishop’s Christmas Appeal 2021 Wednesday 3 November 2021 The official launch of the Archbishop’s annual “Christmas Appeal for LifeLink” coincides with “World Day of the Poor” which Pope Francis will launch on Sunday, 14 November 2021. Pope Francis’ message this year focuses on the verse: “The poor you will...

Tuesday 27 April 2021 Archbishop Launches Annual Winter Appeal Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB launched his annual Winter Appeal for LifeLink, urging supporters to “follow the example of Jesus and extend our arms to embrace people in need here in Western Australian.” In his appeal letter this year, His...